Two-Tone Flora Angled Slide and Lock Card

I recently participated in a Fun Folds Swap with some of The Crazy Crafters (Kylie Bertucci’s team of demonstrators). We each sent in 10 identical cards, and received 10 different ones in return. Here is the card I submitted, and this post shows one of the designs I received.

This card was created by Michelle Nye. Another Crazy Crafter, Rebecca Nutley, taught it to our team a month or so ago…I showed you my version of this card here.

Michelle did a great job getting the slot for the slide-and-lock mechanism positioned. I find that the toughest part of making this card.

We Crazy Crafters seem to have really liked the purples for this swap! Five out of the ten cards I received had a purple colour scheme. What’s your favourite palette?


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